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3605 Rexmere Rd , MD
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3605 Rexmere Rd , MD

October 07, 2024

J. Scott Morse, Esquire Law Office Of J. Scott Morse, LLC 9 Newburg Avenue, Suite 201 Catonsville, Maryland 21228IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR BALTIMORE CITY - Case No. C-24-CV-24-002461 - Stonefield Investment Fund IV, LLC, Plaintiff V. CJB Homes, LLC; Digitek Real Estate, L.L.C., Jacob A. Ginsberg, Trustee, Benjamin Smith, Trustee, State of Maryland, Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, All persons that have or claim to have any interest in the Tax Rolls of the Director of Finance Collector of State and City taxes for Baltimore City as follows: Lot size: 20x97-6, Ward 09, Section 21, Block 3983, Lot 029, improvements known as 3605 Rexmere Rd DefendantsOrder of PublicationThis object of this proceeding is to secure the foreclosure of all rights of redemption in the following property sold by the Collector of Taxes for the City of Baltimore and the State of Maryland to the Plaintiff in this proceeding: Lot size: 20x97-6, Ward 09, Section 21, Block 3983, Lot 029, improvements known as 3605 Rexmere Rd The Complaint states, among other things, that the amounts necessary for redemption have not been paid. It is thereupon this 23rd day of September, 2024, by the Circuit Court for Baltimore City, ORDERED, that this notice be given by the insertion of a copy of this Order in some daily newspaper having general circulation in Baltimore City once a week for three successive weeks before the 23rd day of October, 2024, warning all persons interest in said property to be and appear in this Court by the 22nd day of November, 2024, and redeem the property and answer the Complaint, or thereafter a final judgment will be rendered foreclosing all rights of redemption in the said property and vesting in the Plaintiff a fee simple title, free and clear of all encumbrances.Judge True Copy Test: XAVIER A. CONAWAY, Clerk.o7,15,21 2656880

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