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2701 Beckleysville Rd Manchester, MD
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2701 Beckleysville Rd Manchester, MD

August 08, 2024

Nicole Lipinski, Attorney Greenspoon Marder LLP 100 West Cypress Creek Road, Suite 700 Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33309IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR BALTIMORE COUNTY, MARYLAND - Civil No.: C-03-CV-24-000459 - NICOLE LIPINSKI, Substitute Trustee, Plaintiff v. ESTATE OF MICHAEL JOSEPH POSSIDENTE Defendant Notice Of Sale 2701 Beckleysville Road, Manchester, MD 21102 Notice is hereby issued by the Circuit Court of BALTIMORE COUNTY this 1st day of August, 2024 that the sale of the property mentioned in these proceedings, made and reported by NICOLE LIPINSKI, Substitute Trustee, be ratified and confirmed, unless cause to the contrary thereof be shown on or before the 1st day of September, 2024, provided, a copy of this notice be inserted in Daily Record a newspaper published in Baltimore County, once in each of three successive weeks. The Report of Sale states the amount of sale to be $344,000.00.JULIE L. ENSOR, Clerk. True Copy--Test: JULIE L. ENSOR, Clerk.au8,15,22 2638475

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The Daily Record has abstracted these listings from public notices submitted to us for publication, which we do not independently verify. Where we've been able to enhance listings with supplementary information, that information is unofficial and uncorroborated. For the official version of a public notice, consult the print edition. BridgeTower Media assumes no responsibility for any errors or omissions in these listings and makes no representations regarding their accuracy or reliability.